It’s time to say GOOD BYE to Project Bea and Pearl

Posting on this site has been at a standstill of late.  I’m sad to say that Project Bea and Pearl has come to an end. It’s time to say good bye. Beatrice Lucille Tassche has passed from this life to the next.  She was my grandmother and Pearl is my mother. 
Beatrice Tassche (3-26-12 to 7-6-10)…is the inspirations behind Design for a Life Span. She lived ninety eight years on this plant. She was independent, strong willed, feisty, humorous, giving, loving and stubborn. She refused to live only in one place and that was her HOME, and there she stayed until the day she died. As she aged her 1977 home proved to be more hazardous to her than a comfort. She tried to adapt to it, however without the needed modifications it becomes more of a prison than a home. How many of you have loved ones that want to remain in their homes and need help modifying it to their needs? That’s what we do. Let’s keep our loved ones at home and SAFE.

Jeanette Knudsen
Design For A Life Span LLC