We’re Trademarking Toe Tag Homes – WHAT Did You Say?

toe tag homes, interior designer, mesa Arizona, trademarking toe tag homes

TOE TAG HOMES…WHAT did you say???


One of our 2017 goals is to trademark the phase ‘TOE TAG HOMES’.  

Below is a copy of our January newsletter we sent to our community. We’re sharing it here with you as it does an excellent job explaining why we would be trademarking Toe Tag Homes.


“January 2017 Newsletter

Subject:  Toe Tag Homes…WHAT did you say??

Happy (belated) New Year my Friend,

Do you set goals every New Year?

If so, is this what usually happens? You start out strong, determine this is the year, and then gradually lose steam?  Yeah – me too.

Let’s make this year different!  We’re off to a good start and personally, I’m excited to share my goal to trademark the phrase “TOE TAG HOMES.” You may ask – why “TOE TAG HOMES?”  Does it sound morbid?  My husband thinks so.

However, I see it as freedom of choice.  It’s about the option to decide where to live, how to live, and for how long.  The choice does not depend on the conditions of one’s body or the home, nor because someone else (like a doctor) says it’s time to move out.  It’s about being the decision maker.

As a design firm, “TOE TAG HOMES” means we use our interior design skills to help families remain in their homes for as long as they choose.  That’s it! Simple!

So, I started to achieve this goal by submitting the application this week!  Turns out securing a Trademark is a legal proceeding and not a quick process.  It could take months, even a year or more.

I’ll keep you posted.

Live easy,


The legal process is going well! It has been approved for publication and has been publicly published for opposition. We’re in the final stages of trademarking the phase Toe Tag Homes!!


P.S. We did it!  We trademarked the term Toe Tag Homes!  Read all about it here:


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