You’re Never Too Old to Buy A House!


Who says I can't buy a home at MY age?

Too Old to Own a Home? Never!

If you think you’re too old (or have parents too old) to buy a house, think again…

Meet “Maggie”…88 years old…yet young enough to renovate the home she bought last year. For her it’s a new home…but the home itself isn’t new. Located in the Willow district in downtown Phoenix…the previous owners hadn’t updated anything for decades.

Because the neighborhood is designated as a historic district, she wanted to keep the exterior windows and doors in place. She also kept the milk bottle door intact to maintain the era’s historic charm!

But the interior was dark…with narrow passageways…and a 1950’s style floor plan.

Maggie likes doing projects like this, but she had more than just one reason to it. She likes…

Living on Her Own Terms

In order to succeed, she needed professional help to update and upgrade her home to be functional and safe, yet look like anyone…of any age…would fit in.

That’s where I came in. My job was to:

  • Redesign her floor plan for wheel chair access throughout the house…if needed in the future.
  • Adjust appliance height for easy use.
  • Provided an age friendly master bedroom and bathroom suite.
  • Created a color scheme to lighten up the rooms naturally. And…
  • Position her furniture for easy access and eliminate possible tripping hazards.

The results changed a drab house to an inviting home. The funds spent were well invested…and it was a big project.

But consider this:

-Staying home is more economical than moving to senior or assisted living facilities.

-Instead of a room, or even an apartment – Maggie has an entire house to herself. If she does need assistance, there’s room to bring in professional help.

-She’s living in an environment she envisioned…and takes great pride in it!

And that brings us to the reasons why she made this move. You see – Maggie is a person who lives life on her own terms. She doesn’t define her capabilities by a chronologic number.

She also understands this move will make her money grow. Instead of pouring money into someone else’s facility, she is investing in herself.

Finally, she bought the home next to “Maria”…her daughter. Living next door to each other is something both women wanted.

They have no illusions this will last for decades. But for now, and the near future, they have an arrangement suitable to both…in a neighborhood they love.

No matter what your age…having the ability to live where and how you choose…is priceless!

If you are like Maggie, wanting to live on your own terms…let’s talk.

Live easy,



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