How To Redesign Your Teenager’s Bedroom Like An Interior Designer

Here's the Lucky TEEN!!

Here’s the Lucky TEEN!!

Mom gives her teenage daughter a bedroom makeover – and peace reigns!

Remember when your daughter was born?  You set up her room just the way you wanted. Maybe you had to negotiate some of the details with your husband, but most of the decisions were up to you.

As a child, she started developing some opinions. Yet as her mother, you were still in charge – that is – until her teenage years.

Are there any teenagers around who think their parents are smarter than they are?

If her room is still set up for a little girl, it’s probably time to make a change. So let me ask you, are you hearing the not so soft groans and rumbles from your teen saying “let’s redo my room!”?   And your first thoughts are oh no, or let’s not, or I don’t want to think about it!?  You’re not alone.

The easiest part is  agreeing on the need for change. The challenge comes in on how and what to change, and how much it’s going to cost.

I recently completed such a project.  You know, it got me thinking about how I can help you, the mother of a teenager, do the same thing.  Give your teenager a bedroom redesign without an Interior Designer.

Today I’ll map out how I went about working with both mother (Nancy) and daughter (Devon); determining each one’s expectations, implementing the ideas they agreed on, and finding solutions in the areas where they were different.  You can take these steps and apply it to your teen’s new bedroom design.

I approach every project with a plan. In this case, I had two people to work with, so I had to develop a strategy to satisfy both parties.

Step one – talk to Nancy. There were four things I needed to know …

  • Her goal
  • The function of the room
  • Her feel for the room
  • What was the budget

Step two – talk to Devon.

This entailed more questions because ultimately, it is her  room.

Next week I’ll give you the details of the conversations, the process, and the solution. You’ll see the color palette, how we were able to contain costs, and how I taught the daughter some easy-to-do decorating making her an active participant in her own décor.

If you have been in this situation, are approaching something like this, or want to make a change of a different nature, please leave a comment. I always welcome feedback.

***What make’s Design For A Life Span different is we look at Universal Design to allow families to age in place.  What does that mean?  Helping you create beautiful interiors for easy living no matter where you or your family members are in life.