Magazines Become Clutter If Not Managed Properly

Magazine Clutter

How to Manage your Printed Materials

Interior Designer Jeanette Knudsen has invited me to create blog posts around her beautiful graphics, which will feature a series of organizing tips over the next few months. Visit her website at for more tips and great design ideas from this amazing designer. Her company, Design for a Lifespan specializes in redesigning and remodeling projects to help the senior population “age in place.” Call 480-695-1360 for more information

While many people these days are reading online, there are still those who love getting magazines and catalogs in the mail. If you are one of those people, it is important that you designate a bin or basket to hold them. Having stacks of unread magazines and catalogs on the coffee table, kitchen countertops, your desk, or beside your bed is unsightly and becomes clutter if not processed in a timely manner.

3-Suggestions for Managing Printed Materials:

1. Designate a decorative basket or bin for printed materials. This is the only place that magazines should be stored for future reading.
2. When a catalog or magazine comes in, write a “Read By” date on it (or on a sticky note that you place on the front cover). This date should be no more than three months out. Place in the basket or bin.
3. At least once per month, go through the bin and purge out those that you have not read and never intend to read. If there are some you still want to read, cross through the “Read By” date (see #2), write the new “Read By” date, which can be no more than three months out. If six months passes and you still have not read the article, it is a safe bet you never will. Donate, recycle, or toss.

If you need help setting up organizational systems that support you, your family, or your business, contact Andrea Brundage, Professional Organizer & Bringer of Calm. Visit for a free gift. Simple Organized Solutions offers virtual and group coaching as well as in-person hands-on organizing. For more information, call (480) 382-1085.