Identifying the Root Cause of Clutter

Make it EASY on yourself

Tip #1 – Make it easier to put things away than to take them out.

The root cause of clutter can often be traced to the fact that it can be “hard” to put things away. What makes putting things away so hard? Well, it is often due to overstuffed closets, bulging chests of drawers, no assigned area for shoes, no floor space available, overstuffed file folders, bulging filing cabinets, misappropriated garages, and on and on. Do yourself a favor, clear and purge the stuff you do not LOVE or even want anymore so you have space for the things that do matter to you. Clear some space and you will find that not only will you know what you have, but everything will have a home, and it will be much easier to put things away. As a bonus, you will be able to find them later on when you really want them! And we all know that time is money!

If you need help setting up organizational systems that support you, your family, or your business, contact Andrea Brundage, Professional Organizer, Public Speaker, and Bringer of Calm. Simple Organized Solutions (SOS) offers virtual and group coaching as well as in-person hands-on organizing.  Visit for a free gift and to learn more.

One thought on “Identifying the Root Cause of Clutter

  1. Jeanette Knudsen

    Your right Andrea! I cleaned out a couple of kitchen drawers last week. What a difference. Now when I’m looking for that certain tool, I can quickly & easily get to it.

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